Thursday, August 31, 2006

The First In A Series of Random Annoyances...

I hear Universal music (or whatever they are called this week) are to start a free digital music download service. In order for you to download a file you will have to sit through some form of advertising.

What struck me was a statement repeated in more than one press piece that the files from this service will not be compatible with Apple's iPod and that DRM technology will ensure that users cannot burn the files to audio CD's.

So one of the worlds biggest record companies will produce and distribute media that cannot be played on the worlds most popular portable device for listening to music ! Could you imagine in the far off mists of time if Sony Records had announced that it would produce CD's that would not play in Phillips CD players...yeah I know, a ridiculous idea...isn't it ?

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Morris Dancing...Why ?

Morris Dancing is English folk dancing performed by men in bright costume (well white anyway), who wear noisemaking devices (bells, sticks, hankies), and perform in the streets to festive tunes before large crowds (!!!).


Morris Dancing is anything that can be considered to be a complete and utter waste of your or somebody elses time. A morris, to morris etc. Something born of touring but which can be equally well applied to situations in normal life.

Sometimes I simply feel the need to Vent, and this is as good a place as any.